It begins when Daylight Savings ends. You emerge from work and it’s black as midnight. That rat-like part of your primordial brain urges you to find shelter in a small, nest-like place. The predators are close and abundant. You must gorge yourself, and stay still and quiet in a safe slumber.
Welcome to winter, folks! Sure, we all might be excited for the first festive snow fall, but in another month or two, things can get tough. Here are a few thoughts about surviving the dark hours. Most of us, especially the Seattleites, know the way to stay sane even when we’re in the double digits of days without a sunbreak. But the point is, if you slip down the slope and start feeling blue, or straight up loony, there’s a chance you’ll forget every smart thing you knew.
So be proactive. Start good habits now. And in the thick of it refer back to this list. Just a few simple tricks can help you turn your mood back around.
1) Exercise whether you want to or not
2) Avoid the excesses—carbs, sugar and alcohol
3) Take your cod liver oil
4) Socialize
5) Get sun (artificial or the real mcCoy)
6) Repeat steps 1-5 relentlessly
1) Exercise whether you want to or not: We all know the power of endorphins. A good workout at the gym will change your day. You’re feeling stir-crazy, grumpy or even depressed? A good sweat and rapid heart rate can change all that. So why don’t you do it?
It’s cold. It’s dark. I usually run outdoors and the weather won’t permit. I don’t feel like it.
Blah blah blah, and bullshit. Do it anyway.